The Netherlands
February 23, 2021
Launched under the FULLRED banner, De Ruiter® announces a new range of varieties with excellent internal and external fruit color, making for more attractive fruit.
FULLRED promises a De Ruiter® tomato with deep crimson color both on the inside and outside of the tomato fruit. This double deep red colour improves consumer appeal on a retail shelf, as well as sliced or chopped on a plate, a saucepan or in a salad.
Ben van den Bosch is one of our leading tomato breeders at De Ruiter®, and tells us more about this exciting new product line.
FULLRED is part of De Ruiter’s Added Value strategy; focused on bringing to market a portfolio of tomato varieties with optimized color and taste, without compromising grower characteristics too. Ben looks back: "Breeding for internal color is a long process, but my goal was to make tomatoes that I liked to eat myself, aiming for a radiant red color with every bite. By categorizing myself as a consumer, I knew where to go. The plant material available at the time was linked to a type of tomato that didn’t work for growers, until ultimately, we were able to breed it across into varieties suitable for professional glasshouse growers. That was a breakthrough!"
FULLRED launch - attractive to the consumer, retailer and grower
Ben continues: "Currently, we’re launching the FULLRED concept, an innovation that brings to life our ability to create tomato varieties with unmatched appetite appeal. The focus here is on the color, but it’s important to emphasize that the varieties that we develop under FULLRED excel in taste as well! The FULLRED internal color is the standout as it increases the intensity of the external color, as well as making the cut fruit much more tempting to eat; increasing the number of repeat purchases, so the consumer, the retailer and ultimately the grower benefit too.”
Future of FULLRED varieties
Ben concludes: "For now, we focus on rolling out FULLRED across several segments, all of our truss pipelines and beef tomatoes."
In all marketing material we will add FULLRED next to variety name to make our customers aware about this added value. This way, we support them to make relevance choice for themselves, their buyer and consumer.
Consumer panel results
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