A ProMED-mail post <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bczGkw5NaxKViInVN3o8WI7SkfPjCplYcnrvkSnR7vDdzBseB4Z4JgOzMtf4NyhKwZ-87t_ekCqY4X1TR9IACFg~~>
ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases <https://url.emailprotection.link/?bJcYJd1UM9bbZyueyHGqCfuWBsCz6JLr6QpMnBNG04Pz2V8akThtcwE1bjLVZbAR2-PZoubzhx-ALOhYt6Kir6w~~>
Date: Tue 5 Jan 2021
Source: HortiDaily [abridged, edited]
Early detection of _Tomato brown rugose fruit virus_ (ToBRFV) in a small seed lot has allowed quick action to be taken to contain and prevent any spread of the virus. In early December [2020], industry alerted Biosecurity New Zealand [BSNZ] to the presence of ToBRFV in seeds imported from Israel. Although these were imported with a phytosanitary certificate declaring them to be free of ToBRFV based on testing completed offshore, further testing identified a very low level of infection.
BSNZ has temporarily suspended the imports of capsicum and tomato seeds for sowing from Israel. [They] have been able to account for all of the imported seeds and the plants grown from them. There have been no symptoms or positive tests for ToBRFV from the plants grown from the seeds, which have been restricted to 3 greenhouse sites in Auckland.
While there is no reason to suspect any spread of the disease, all the plants grown from the contaminated seed have been destroyed to manage any residual risk. The 3 sites have also been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. As a further precaution, BSNZ has destroyed all the tomato plants grown from uncontaminated seeds that have been in close proximity to the affected plants.
Communicated by: ProMED-mail <promed@promedmail.org>
[_Tomato brown rugose fruit virus_ (ToBRFV) was recently identified as a new member of the genus _Tobamovirus_ (type member _Tobacco mosaic virus_, TMV) in Jordan and soon after in Israel (see links below).
Since then, it has also been reported from a number of other countries in Europe and the Mediterranean region, where it appears to be spreading, as well as from North America and China. It was shown to also affect capsicum and has been detected in both plants and seed of both crops. ToBRFV symptoms on tomato vary depending on host cultivar, but they may include chlorosis, mottling, mosaic, and crinkling
(rugosis) on leaves; necrotic spots on petioles and calyces; and yellowish mottling, brown spots, and rugosis on fruit, making them unmarketable. On capsicum, leaf symptoms are similar; fruits may be deformed with yellow mottling or green stripes. Almost 100% incidence was reported for some outbreaks in tomato, but not every fruit on an infected plant may show symptoms.
ToBRFV (like many tobamoviruses) is seed transmitted and can also be spread by mechanical means, contaminated equipment, as well as with plant or other materials. It is very stable and can remain infectious for months outside a host. Recently, bumblebees, which are used widely as commercial pollinators in glasshouse tomato production, have been shown to be effective vectors of ToBRFV (see link below). Volunteer crop plants and solanaceous weed species are likely pathogen reservoirs. The Tm-22 resistance gene used in some tomato cultivars to protect from other tobamoviruses (such as _Tomato mosaic virus_) does not appear to be effective against ToBRFV. Disease management relies mainly on exclusion but may include phytosanitation (disinfecting tools, removing crop debris) and control of virus reservoirs. Use of certified clean seeds or tomato transplants is crucial. Tomato seeds are traded widely and are known to pose a risk for spreading viruses and other pathogens internationally (for example, ProMED post https://url.emailprotection.link/?bLH8nNrGpyei9_E-IRODzkX6O2gs6ZHVqOwvmOJPM7PMYj6MhVYpNnXHn8SAsyDsR33bXWhxmiv98apJBVl6F9WEUS1uqk3X-THZpR5Dip1FcICV1Y69X7jv01UcV6D9D).
Coinfection of ToBRFV with _Pepino mosaic virus_ (genus _Potexvirus_) and _Tomato spotted wilt virus_ (genus _Orthotospovirus_) have been found (ProMED posts https://url.emailprotection.link/?b9qhivGyzuw6efJXZrdt3smHswSBt2Hk9kQJNbr-bVDTvr2j9hsJ2QXxZWXF7S4NYBLMdKNNRnRh_Bgwj44OmFgfbmcpR8XXC4P_w8zH62-reXZ6baD-HpDJk5Z1w24vi,
https://url.emailprotection.link/?bgHrS084MzJfU1A8-2Su7XPX2edx2ZVZyUpy7HlVMdtuQ_ZbGIB1cTZV9t-Q-H8fa8VaLYmPUghiwH6PR8XYhcqJSF1H8gIQ7TefZL29JWZviM1KY-6DFDnerXEvGmq4W). It is thought that the observed symptoms on tomatoes may be due to either virus or to synergism. Further research is needed to clarify a potential role of ToBRFV in coinfections and to determine whether its presence in coinfections may have led to earlier cases of misdiagnosis and delayed identification of this new virus.
The report above appears to be the 1st detection of ToBRFV in Oceania and the southern hemisphere. Furthermore, it illustrates again the risks of relying on biosecurity certification of plant material at point of origin (e.g., see ProMED posts https://url.emailprotection.link/?b6yAgTRxGhcEpviYwcXPhV5TvUWve9hMbYxlAjT5pONH_Y89XwkFF5uQo0fqiOI2ylNuCBakn9RxE3--EgAK8QL-aEk4ggIz6hT8D-oJN52R3J5jAqMHnw_XYc8OAnH7p,
https://url.emailprotection.link/?bXVfP7mW8rF8n1obfAjelGaKTR3xuaNKBvE7-l4ihiZElZcs4eu5wp7Lb0w-fWpIGWtg91wyVwFeLBrmwVytzAADEX_KmRNJaKU_JwSnGa39I8CbmZEJm6N7Z1Od8tj1r) and the need for additional pathogen testing at point of import.
New Zealand:
Oceania, overview:
ToBRFV symptoms on tomato:
Additional news story:
Information and characterisation of ToBRFV:
<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bHLZnBwoj0kpr-xcxtA3yrrYey6GBwkJrOsHHBKSvPtH6gSpDxeLtkjwtBNIrCE4tC4Qy8sloOOP-mwGIusjUGQ~~> (with distribution map), <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b-XbU-M3LpORYlDqvh3p5Hi1Th02pj2T0cdPHk0NvSLt-1d-I1Dko-ub314wH013lAWQziww13YzSo5fsS6OBNLCDc2K4qOKZ4iX15wJrdZ-1O3yj8EOFvadk7I0QuTKX>
<https://url.emailprotection.link/?bjMnSNDvMwFODSOEq2lD1AHPkAg6P3gyCsbc3UK_LV4C3mht0N5gA-Jb6J1LAW3yeclht29pVCO7ceE1KkEv88BtYIe4AsJ3bNVM6ZE_l1ybUwjuovZOm-Gr9olJe-YOj> (in capsicum) and via <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b3zNdzJFDQuN83IAJZPwJWje8M65p_ocmDiCSAatqHSvj85DrYHX9mzmckyc4_c4Opb6N9IKfnToHLZD9rgHvEh0Pv0mzyjeKFHhP91GQShNQXTiv9uxjmqNkmOWhnkN4>
ToBRFV spread by pollinators:
Tomato resistance breeding:
International spread of tobamoviruses by seeds (review):
Virus taxonomy via:
- Mod.DHA
HealthMap/ProMED map:
New Zealand: <https://url.emailprotection.link/?b05QFwqPTij9Or0JNntK2Ta028HK0Hy9cXDrxF4Qezb3qHx9s9MMRJOuKwdxECOL9Ihx8vUuCH-vCI_7hewfSAQ~~>]
[See Also:
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Italy: (SC) https://url.emailprotection.link/?b6elail3f81Y7enDtm8zFwF_7a-MSTo5ag3l8onbsUoMXbYNB1UdfBkYrHTvGHICKYTSF8bMSHSAu4tQWo9jRhixJP7LEvhfwvVYMSJNpAOM-diw-uVe0D7IXwT7R8XeF
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Africa: 1st rep (Egypt) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bgHrS084MzJfU1A8-2Su7XPX2edx2ZVZyUpy7HlVMdtuQ_ZbGIB1cTZV9t-Q-H8fa8VaLYmPUghiwH6PR8XYhcqJSF1H8gIQ7TefZL29JWZviM1KY-6DFDnerXEvGmq4W
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Spain: 1st rep (AN) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bgls2lG8Pmqqj2wzYboGFSajE6rYjD-c0B3tFRtZfPTDJIcb8lAvzk10BqZa9kLUYU9alVxU7BW5qGLGoMeEEuAUMeiuO6ykRyexlWc_pAYCS7Ta-Z5hw_EH7Xr71Zu5z
Virus double infection, tomato - Netherlands: (ZH) https://url.emailprotection.link/?b9qhivGyzuw6efJXZrdt3smHswSBt2Hk9kQJNbr-bVDTvr2j9hsJ2QXxZWXF7S4NYBLMdKNNRnRh_Bgwj44OmFgfbmcpR8XXC4P_w8zH62-reXZ6baD-HpDJk5Z1w24vi
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - China: 1st rep (SD) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bCZdTD_8ea3ksKFxEsrk9QZTSTZcoU6LNYoKcHVvqxO_OuERpVaMFwx7HYJO4PZZ5D4zPYKJ0Jh65TOqoHn75eP12exaaEWDNZ6bbiUhrOJd7d7MeyEIBcxkQ932zbMla
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - UK, Turkey: 1st reps
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Mexico: alert
Tomato brown rugose fruit virus - Germany: 1st rep (NW) https://url.emailprotection.link/?bGvYqxrMrM_gtJ19ReVULsawVoGZZI-XuGDRrCHYka0vdX5H0e__aRWgm15Z0KHkMmjYzYr2NEttAUn6eSzDmSyPF_x-NtTFGlf2QESxSeNX_N_ihXnJSg16wf1g8hS_J
Undiagnosed leaf curl virus, tomato seed - Egypt https://url.emailprotection.link/?bASWufXr3eJ9NMFfLy-7JO1EEFTFZ2IEAnwCPR0SFshRYllNHP8iBNbIGwFmkOoPSMGXmxxAkxTl-B5KLtk5maMmG5i4vPInh3zOHbSA16Z8UPGNdVvLv89cBjWNizaJR
and additional items on tobamoviruses in the archives]