S&W Seed Company
Saatbau France S.a.r.l.
Saatbau Linz
Saaten-Union GmbH
Saatgut Austria (Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs)
Saatzucht Josef Breun GmbH & Co. KG
Sakata Seed America. Inc.
Sakata Seed Corporation
Sakata Seed Iberica SL
Sakata Seed Sudamérica Ltda.
Sakata Vegetables Europe S.A.S.
Salvetti Farming Company
Satake Corporation
Seed & Grain New Zealand
Seed Central
Seed Co. Ltd.
Seed Entrepreneurs Association of Nigeria (SEEDAN)
Seed NL
Seed Research by DLF
Seed Systems Group
Seeds Canada
Semences de France
Semences de Provence
Semillas Batlle S.A.
Semillas Berentsen S.A. de C.V.
Semillas Fitó
Semillas Híbridas de Venezuela C.A (Sehiveca)
Semillas LG
Semillas Venezuela CA (Sevenca)
Servicio Nacional de Calidad y Sanidad Vegetal y de Semillas (SENAVE)
Servicio Nacional de Inspección y Certificación de Semillas (SNICS)
Servicios de Mejora Agraria
SESVanderHave Seeds NV
Shandong Shengfeng Seed Industry Scientific And Technological Co., Ltd.
Shanghai Shengnong Pesticide Co. Ltd.
Siegers Seed Co.
Sierra Seeds
Sinner Bros. & Bresnahan
Sinochem Group
SL Agritech Corporation
Société de Production Grainière (SPG)
Société de Production Végétales (SPV)
Société des sélectionneurs jurassiens
Société Nationale de Commercialisation de Semences (SONACOS)
Sociedad Cooperativa General Agropecuaria ACOR
Sociedade Nacional de Agricultura
Società Italiana Sementi (SIS)
Soja Brasil
Sorghum Checkoff
Sorghum ID
South Africa - Ministry of Agriculture
South African National Seed Organisation (SANSOR)
South Australia, Primary Industries and Regions SA
South Island Seed Dressing and Storage
South Pacific Seeds Pty. Ltd.
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Soy Canada
Spain, Government
Stanford University
Statistics Canada
Stevia Corporation
Stevia First Corporation
Stine Seed Company
Stock Seed Farms
Strube GmbH & Co. KG
Strube UK Ltd.
Sumitomo Chemical Co.
Summit Seed Coatings
Sunfield Seeds Inc.
Super Agri Seeds Pvt. Ltd.
Supreme Seed Company Ltd.
Swedish Board of Agriculture - Jordbruksverket
Sweet Green Fields
Swiss Granum
Syngenta Agro GmbH
Syngenta Agro S.A., Argentina
Syngenta Asia Pacific Pte Ltd.
Syngenta Brasil
Syngenta Canada
Syngenta China
Syngenta Crop Protection (Australia)
Syngenta Crop Protection AG
Syngenta Crop Protection, Inc. (USA)
Syngenta Deutschland
Syngenta España S.A.
Syngenta Flowers
Syngenta France S.A.S.
Syngenta Group Co. Ltd.
Syngenta India Ltd
Syngenta Nederland
Syngenta Seeds B.V.
Syngenta Seeds Canada, Inc.
Syngenta Seeds Inc. (USA)
Syngenta Seeds Ltd. (UK)
Syngenta Seeds Pty Ltd (Australia)
Syngenta Seeds SA (España)
Syngenta Seeds, Inc. (Vegetable Seeds)
Syngenta USA
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