July 10, 2023
Canned, frozen corn industry struggling across US growing regions
March 8, 2023
Deutschland - Zuckermaisernte 2022: Fläche stabil, Erntemenge gesunken
August 13, 2021
Hungary - Sweetcorn harvest estimated at 500,000 tonnes in 2021 (Budapest Business Journal)
June 30, 2021
Deutschland - Zuckermais wächst auf 2.000 Hektar
April 1, 2021
France - Plus de 25 000 ha de maïs doux en 2021
June 24, 2020
Deutschland - Zuckermais in aller Munde
March 30, 2018
France - Maïs doux : tendance à la hausse des surfaces en 2018
April 23, 2017
USA - Which vegetable crops are the most popular? (Growing Produce)
January 25, 2016
Des surfaces de production de semences en constante augmentation depuis 5 ans sur la région Gnis Sud-Est
August 6, 2015
Australian consumers eating more sweet corn
April 28, 2015
Deutschland - Zuckermais zieht junge Käufer an
March 16, 2015
Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2014
March 2, 2015
Australian consumers embrace sweet corn
January 31, 2015
Global Vegetable Seed Industry Report 2014
May 28, 2014
ABCSEM divulga novos dados sobre o mercado de hortaliças no Brasil - Os resultados da pesquisa socioeconômica da cadeia produtiva nacional de hortaliças serão lançados oficialmente durante a Hortitec 2014
April 21, 2014
USA - Vegetables and pulses data
March 24, 2014
USA - Vegetables and Pulses Data
December 6, 2013
Australia - Research reveals most popular veggie BBQ hits
July 17, 2013
Euralis prévoit une récolte catastrophique - Les intempéries de 2013 auront des conséquences sévères pour la coopérative (Sud Ouest)
June 5, 2013
Australian vegetable industry fears realised after Simplot warns of possible closure of two processing plants
March 27, 2013
Italia - Indagine superfici sementi da orto, campagna 2012 Surface for crop seeds has increased by 85% in ten years
January 10, 2013
North CArolina, USA - Sweet corn growers tackle regulatory and weather challenges (Growinng Produce)
December 18, 2012
USA - Prices of most vegetables lower than last year (HortiBiz)
November 27, 2012
USA - Growers report high satisfaction with Seminis sweet corn (Delta Farm Press)
November 2, 2012
California - Syngenta expanding Yolo County's seed research (Daily Democrat)
October 31, 2012
Europa - Mehr Zuckermais im Anbau - Weniger Konserven, mehr Frischware eingekauft
October 4, 2012
USDA/NASS releases results of the 2011 Certified Organic Production Survey
June 4, 2012
USA - Vegetable and melons yearbook data tables
May 7, 2012
New Zealand horticulture exports close to NZ$3.5 billion
March 2, 2012
Florida sweet corn growers boast new brand - Promotional campaign in place to push premium, late-maturing varieties to the public (Growing Produce)
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Market data > Sweet corn