What is happening to New Mexico chile?
New Mexico, USA
Source: New Mexico Chile Association
- Industry is in a steep decline
- 34,500 Acres were harvested in 1992, only 9,600 were harvested in 2012
- China is trying to corner the world oleoresin market which accounts for 30% of NM acreage
- Foreign companies are taking advantage of their reduced regulation and cheap, plentiful labor
- Imports account for about 82% of chile consumed in the U.S. – automation is the only solution
- Sometimes chile is sold labeled as “Hatch” or “NM Grown” when it comes from outside NM or even the U.S.
Quelle: Proplanta
More news from: New Mexico Chile Association
Website: http://www.nmchileassociation.com/index.html Published: October 28, 2014 |