St. Louis, Missouri, USA
March 27, 2013
Farmers looking for information about the approval status of U.S.-grown corn hybrids in certain export markets now have access to the most current data through the National Corn Growers Association’s Know Before Your Grow program. Recently updated, Know Before Your Grow, featured on the association’s website, provides a comprehensive look at this vital information in an easily accessible format.
“It’s important for farmers and others to know where they can find good markets for their corn,” said NCGA Trade Policy and Biotechnology Action Team Chair Jim Zimmerman. “Each year, we update our database so growers can stay informed and plan ahead. It’s also a valuable tool for others who want or need to track which markets are accepting a certain corn hybrid.”
Know Before You Grow stems from NCGA’s firm commitment to the principle that U.S.-grown biotech hybrids not intended for some export markets should not be placed into export channels. Because not all hybrids are approved for all export market uses, corn growers who are selling into sensitive markets like wet millers should select hybrids with the full knowledge of whether they are conventional, fully approved for export to major markets or not yet fully approved for those markets.
Growers should read their grower agreements before planting and communicate with their grain buyers. This is why NCGA works with technology providers to publicize regular updates on the approval status of these events. Regardless of export status, there is an ample market for U.S. biotech corn.
Click here for more information.