Publication on the status of Bt cotton in Myanmar
May 27, 2011
The International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications (ISAAA) South Asia Office released a new publication on Myanmar's (formerly known as Burma) official release of Bt cotton. "The Status of Bt Cotton-the Silver Sixth-in Myanmar, 2010" features a comprehensive overview of the adoption and impact of the introduction of Ngwe chi 6 or Silver Sixth– the long staple insect resistant Bt cotton variety developed using genetic modification technology.
The new publication includes the most relevant authoritative statistics and references on Bt cotton in Myanmar, including hectarage of Bt cotton, number of Bt cotton farmers and cotton research and development. It also summarizes the benefits of Bt cotton in Myanmar, which is now the 13th cotton growing country in the world to commercially deploy biotech cotton. A major portion of the document is excerpted from the "Global Status of Commercialized Biotech/GM Crops: 2010", ISAAA Brief 42, authored by Dr. Clive James.
For a copy of the publication "The Status of Bt Cotton - the Silver Sixth-in Myanmar, 2010", contact or visit ISAAA India Biotech Information Center at
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Website: Published: May 27, 2011 |