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October 11, 2024

Interview with Sara Piva, International Cooperation Officer at the CPVO (Community Plant Variety Office): The SME Fund 2024 is a must for plant breeders

"Guide to Retained EU Plant Variety Rights under UK Legislation: How to Confirm, Surrender or Transfer Rights" -August 2024 Update

October 9, 2024

Meeting the growing demand for whole grains with advanced processing and storage solutions

Researchers discover how plants produce a novel anti-stress molecule

October 2, 2024

Back to the past to understand the present of plant antiviral immunity

September 26, 2024

Get the financial benefits of reseeding grassland

Le choix du porte-greffe affecte-t-il la résistance au ToBRFV ?

September 18, 2024

Naktuinbouw - ZE-PCR test for TBRV and BRSV on onion seed
ZE-PCR-toets voor TBRV en BRSV op uienzaad

September 16, 2024

United Kingdom - Pioneer maize harvest checklist - Careful steps at harvest time can both maximise the tonnage of forage maize harvested and optimise the quality of maize silage at feed out

ThermoSem: Saatgutbehandlung ohne Chemie (Der Schweizer Bauer)

September 10, 2024

Nieuwe zaadcoatings die volledig biologisch afbreekbaar zijn (Groentennieuws)

September 6, 2024

Visuelle Bestimmung des TS-Gehaltes bei Mais

Tips til at få græsmarken godt igennem vinteren

September 5, 2024

Detect viruses at lightning speed with raman spectroscopy
Razendsnel virussen opsporen met raman spectroscopie

Découverte d’un gène d’immunité face à une maladie ravageant les cultures de riz et de blé

September 3, 2024

Tips voor grasland in het najaar

Italy - Sensors on tomato plants to reduce water consumption (Tomato News)

Gewinn durch mehrjährige Blühflächen und Spätsommeransaat - Darum funktioniert die späte Saat oft besser (BW Agrar)

Ontdek de voordelen van Hyvido gerstrassen bij late zaai

September 2, 2024

Manque de fourrage : testez les orges Hyvido de Syngenta et adoptez l’option 3 en 1

Harnessing genetic potential: Double haploid plants accelerating plant breeding

Tips voor grasland in het najaar

Denmark - Sakata Ornamentals enhances growth with LEDs (AgriTech Tomorrow)

August 28, 2024

Modernizing plant health surveillance to anticipate and mitigate disease and pest emergence

Take your seed cleaning to new lengths! Cimbria's indented cylinder separator is designed to efficiently clean and sort a variety of granular materials, including wheat, oats, maize, rice, fine seeds, lentils, sunflower sticks, and sugar beet

Aussaat-Technik - Raps in Einzelkornsaat: Das sind die Vorteile für die Ackerkultur (Agrar heute)

August 27, 2024

Mais als „Grüne Brücke“

August 23, 2024

Deutschland - Stabile Erträge trotz roter Gebiete

Why do farmers use treated seed to protect crops?

August 22, 2024

Genschere schaltet sich mit eingebauten Timer ab - Bonner Forschende klären Selbstregulierung der Immunantwort im Bakterien-Abwehrsystem CRISPR auf


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