March 6, 2019
Golden Rice is coming. Finally! Will it be the game-changer hinted at for almost 20 years? (Genetic Literacy Project)
February 19, 2019
Infographic: Are genetically engineered crops less safe than classically-bred food? (Genetic Literacy Poject)
December 19, 2018
US regulators grapple with oversight of new breeding techniques (Genetic Literacy Project)
December 18, 2018
New biotech crop-breeding technologies struggle for traction across much of Africa (Genetic Literacy Project)
September 12, 2018
Argentina and GMOs: Exploring the nation’s long relationship with biotech crops (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 14, 2018
Will gene editing and other new breeding techniques provide a 'second chance' for worldwide embrace of genetically engineered crops? (Genetic Literacy Project)
May 16, 2018
USDA's hands-off approach to gene-edited crops could revolutionize research and development (Genetic Literacy Project)
May 1, 2018
Delving into the GMO traits that cut back pesticide impacts globally (Genetic Literacy Project)
Let's recognize Roundup Ready and Bt crops as major contributions to sustainable farming (Genetic Literacy Project)
April 10, 2018
Making sense of the patchwork US regulatory system for genetically engineered crops and animals (Genetic Literacy Project)
April 6, 2018
Why the USDA decided not to regulate CRISPR crops—and what it means for the future of agriculture (Genetic Literacy Project)
March 6, 2018
Regulatory overreach looms as obstacle for New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) in agriculture (Genetic Literacy Project)
February 26, 2018
Anti-GMO forces target New Breeding Techniques (NBTs) despite similarities to conventional crops (Genetic Literacy Project)
February 23, 2018
Does GMO corn increase crop yields? 21 years of data confirm it does—and provides substantial health benefits (Genetic Literacy Project)
January 30, 2018
CRISPR gene-edited food in Europe? Questions remain on crop breeding regulations (Genetic Literacy Project)
January 16, 2018
In Uganda, anti-GMO propaganda scare tactics even taint conventional hybrid crops (Genetic Literacy Project)
November 21, 2017
CRISPR breathing new life into crop breeding––can it avoid GMO controversy? (Genetic Literacy Project)
November 15, 2017
European farmers: Finding a replacement for glyphosate is no easy task (Genetic Literacy Project)
November 2, 2017
Green technology: disease-resistant GMO tomato that could eliminate need for copper pesticides blocked by public fears (Genetic Literacy Project)
October 3, 2017
Neonicotinoid seed treatments: Effective crop protectants—or unnecessary, with potential collateral damage to bees? (Genetic Literacy Project)
September 27, 2017
Tale of two neonicotinoid bumble bee studies - and how science can be massaged (Genetic Literacy Project)
September 8, 2017
Gulf that divides pro- and anti-GMO forces not easily bridged (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 24, 2017
Can epigenetics change the way we breed crops for drought and climate change? (Genetic Literacy Project)
May 2, 2017
Debate heats up: did National Academies of Science GMO report go far enough in affirming GMO safety consensus? (Genetic Literacy Project)
March 24, 2017
USA - Does most public research funding come from industry? (Genetic Literacy Project)
March 7, 2017
Led by Nigeria, Africa opening door to genetically modified crop cultivation (Genetic Literacy Project)
January 26, 2017
Should regulators, biotech critics stop searching for ‘breeding surprises’ from GMOs? (Genetic Literacy Project)
December 20, 2016
Saving seeds, as anti-GMO activists demand, preserves unproductive farming, locks in poverty (Genetic Literacy Project)
December 11, 2016
Crop biotech policy experts: Fallout from 'equivocating' National Academy of Sciences GMO report now being felt (Genetic Literacy Project)
November 18, 2016
Nigeria poised to become Africa’s GMO superpower, overcoming NGO scare campaigns (Genetic Literacy Project)
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