September 12, 2014
19-year study of trillions of meals shows GE crops do not harm food-producing animals, humans (Genetic Literacy Project)
September 8, 2014
Why tomatoes taste bad, how GE could revolutionize a ‘lost’ fruit—and why you may never eat one (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 20, 2014
Should GMO drugs be perceived differently than GMO food?
August 13, 2014
Are geneticists who work for corporations less ethical than university researchers? (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 12, 2014
Infographic: 9 plant diseases that threaten your favorite foods–and how GM can help (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 11, 2014
Monsanto in the anti-GMO crosshairs: fair or foul? (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 4, 2014
Interactive Map: Bangladesh farmers’ dramatic success with pesticide-reducing Bt brinjal (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 31, 2014
Boston Globe joins other liberal publications in opposing mandatory GMO labeling (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 29, 2014
Sweet corn roadside taste-off: customers learned, sampled and chose GE over conventional (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 22, 2014
Video: Sequencing of bread wheat genome ‘game-changer’ for meeting climate change challenge (Genetic Literacy Project)
Organic farmer: Don’t ban neonics but put aside simplistic views of harmlessness of pesticides (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 17, 2014
Biofortification: new ‘Green Revolution’ for more nutritious crops (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 15, 2014
Study claiming organic food more nutritious ‘deeply flawed’, say independent scientists (Genetic Literacy Project)
July 3, 2014
Global food shortage? How advanced breeding could domesticate 50,000 wild but edible plant (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 25, 2014
Examining Environmental Sciences Europe, the journal that republished Séralini study (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 24, 2014
Scientists react to republished Séralini GMO maize rat study (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 10, 2014
June 9, 2014
Can Bt cotton be a solution for Zimbabwean cotton growers? (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 6, 2014
There is no ‘bee armageddon’: Misguided neonics ban threatens honeybees and farming (Genetic Literacy Project)
June 3, 2014
Anne Glover, Europe’s chief science adviser faces anti-GMO, anti-tech politics (Genetic Literacy Project)
May 14, 2014
Seed patent primer: Is the use of GMOs preventing farmers from reusing their seeds? (Genetic Literacy Project)
April 22, 2014
Genetic Literacy Project infographic: How crops are modified – Are GMOs more dangerous?
October 15, 2013
Organics versus GMO: Why the debate? (Genetic Literacy Project)
August 30, 2013
Genetic Literacy Project infographic: International science organizations on crop biotechnology safety
June 29, 2013
Genetic Literacy Project infographic: 10 reasons we need crop biotechnology
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