July 24, 2015
John Innes Centre hosts first Women of the Future Conference
April 1, 2015
Landmark case on Beneforte broccoli patent
February 9, 2015
United Kingdom - Scientists reflect on public opinion as they define plant and microbial science strategy
February 3, 2015
Scientists unlock one of nature’s best-kept secrets: how plants make natural medicines
December 16, 2014
Mother plants teach seeds about seasons and give them a thicker coat when it’s cold
September 19, 2014
Looks like a blueberry, tastes like a tomato - If genetically modified fruits should be labeled, why not change their color? (ScienceLine)
September 15, 2014
Flowering and frost – how plants erase memories of winter – what Lysenko didn't realise
June 24, 2014
United Kingdom - New crop research could open the door to better performing feed barley (Feed Navigator)
May 14, 2014
United Kingdom - Growing our future: plant science to address global challenges and boost growth
April 26, 2014
The fine tuning of flowering time
January 29, 2014
United Kingdom - Norfolk’s key role at the heart of leading plant science research has been underscored by figures showing it has generated about £350m for the national economy (EDP 24)
January 25, 2014
Bumper harvest for GM purple tomatoes
September 24, 2013
The future of crop protection
September 9, 2013
Moving genes have scientists seeing spots
July 23, 2013
UK Agricultural Technologies Strategy – what it means in the East
July 18, 2013
Why crop rotation works - The Genome Analysis Centre has collaborated in new research led by John Innes Centre scientists that could help explain the dramatic effect of crop rotation on soil health and yield
July 10, 2013
Battle purple tomato: genetically engineered vs. non-GMO (Take Part)
June 23, 2013
Plants do sums to get through the night
June 13, 2013
United Kingdom - Plant breeders highlight key role of biodiversity (FarmingUK)
June 4, 2013
Plant intelligence for better swarm robots
May 3, 2013
More food and greener farming with specialised transporters for plants
February 28, 2013
Growing talent – schools to provide vital knowledge for food security
February 22, 2013
What makes flowers so beautiful?
February 19, 2013
“Growing” medicines in plants requires new regulations
January 7, 2013
Co-founder of anti-GM movement Mark Lynas calls for evidence to replace instinct in GM debate
November 23, 2012
Nitrogen fixing wheat 'possible in the next 20 years' (Farmers Weekly)
November 8, 2012
Nature’s chemical toolkit
October 12, 2012
Small weed helps unravel complex plant defence system
July 27, 2012
So how do plants know when to flower?
May 16, 2012
Plans for China-UK Centre of Excellence for plant research
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