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Wageningen University & Research

May 12, 2014

Insect community driven by plant hormones

May 5, 2014

Design of new foods should focus particularly on healthy gastro-intestinal tract

April 28, 2014

Basic knowledge of plant chemicals provides foundation for solving food-related problems

April 15, 2014

Position paper Climate-Smart Agriculture
Positionpaper klimaatbestendige landbouw

Vegetables on Mars within ten years?

April 1, 2014

Klimaatverandering vraagt om aanpassing voedselproductiesystemen

March 17, 2014

Nuevas variedades para producir tomates “a la carta” (HortoInfo)

Un español lidera en Holanda un grupo que secuencia el genoma de 150 tomates (Universo Canario)

March 6, 2014

Increasing global homogeneity in food consumption causes serious threats to human health and food security

March 4, 2014

Increasing global homogeneity in food consumption causes serious threats to human health and food securityp

February 4, 2014

Molecular compass determines hormone reaction in plants

January 30, 2014

Plant Life - Digital newsletter on plant research at Wageningen UR, January 2014

December 11, 2013

Exhibition brings biobased economy to life
Expositie brengt biobased economy tot leven

November 13, 2013

Why seedlings always grow towards the light

October 2, 2013

Urban agriculture beneficial to society

August 29, 2013

Animal testing unnecessary when determining safety of genetically-modified crops
Diertest onnodig bij vaststellen veiligheid genetisch gemodificeerde gewassen

August 26, 2013

Duplication in DNA prompted plant to flower

June 17, 2013

New LEI research shows potential for enhancing food security in the Middle East and North Africa

June 12, 2013

European protein sources not yet an alternative for imported soybean meal

June 10, 2013

No buzz from the beehives

May 3, 2013

Data sharing for food security

April 29, 2013

Ecological knowledge offers perspectives for sustainable agriculture

April 8, 2013

How a little plant became a model for pioneering research
Hoe een klein plantje model staat voor baanbrekend onderzoek

April 2, 2013

Are African land grabs really water grabs?

March 28, 2013

Growing plants on Mars: Wageningen UR goes extraterrestrial

March 25, 2013

Get them used to the taste of vegetables as early as possible

Local rice makes the grade in West Africa

March 21, 2013

Bringing researchers and tools onto one DISH to optimise European food and health research

March 19, 2013

New book on global food security for 95th anniversary of Wageningen University

March 1, 2013

Information management in agricultural concerns undergoing rapid development
Ontwikkeling informatiemanagement in agrarisch bedrijf in stroomversnelling

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