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Wageningen University & Research

October 11, 2018

Feeding 10 billion people by 2050 within planetary limits may be achievable

September 26, 2018

Mansholt lecture 2018: circular agriculture on the European agenda

September 13, 2018

Circular agriculture: a new perspective for Dutch agriculture

September 3, 2018

Top universities join forces to fight hunger worldwide

June 29, 2018

The Netherlands - ‘Develop a national programme for Integrated Pest Management’

June 20, 2018

Expected ruling of European Court on the genetic modification of plants may offer opportunities for situation-specific safety analyses of new varieties
Verwachte uitspraak Europese Hof biedt mogelijkheden situatie-specifieke veiligheid-analyse nieuwe rassen

January 15, 2018

Nieuw lesmateriaal over nieuwe technieken in plantenveredeling

July 27, 2017

"Unjustified delays in approving biotech crops in Africa take thousands of lives’
‘Onverantwoorde vertraging bij toelating biotechgewassen eist duizenden levens’

March 29, 2017

Agriculture should not attempt to copy nature

March 23, 2017

Wageningen University researches ways to get people to eat more vegetables|
Wageningen onderzoekt manieren om mensen meer groenten te laten eten

March 15, 2017

Towards better understanding of plant development through a core concept from artificial intelligence

November 22, 2016

‘We need a new approach for better soil’

May 27, 2016

Input for discussion on Common Agricultural Policy after 2020 

January 6, 2016

Same two reasons structure plant life history variation worldwide

September 11, 2015

Plant breeding brings biobased economy closer
Plantenveredeling brengt biobased economy dichterbij 

June 26, 2015

The future of food in 11 films at the FOODTOPIA exhibition

June 24, 2015

New publication on plant variety protection in Africa - Comments and suggestions welcome

June 12, 2015

Inaugural address Professor Dick de Ridder - Biologist are increasingly becoming data scientists

Urban agriculture does not always result in better neighbourhoods

May 13, 2015

Plants in space: food for astronauts

April 9, 2015

Warning from European Academies of Science about implications of neonicotinoid use

January 16, 2015

Wageningen UR president prof. dr. ir. Louise O. Fresco honors the father of slow food Carlo Petrini

Four of nine planetary boundaries now crossed

September 29, 2014

Veni grants for scientific talents at Wageningen UR

July 23, 2014

Butterflies illustrate the effects of environmental change

July 10, 2014

Integrated approach vital to reduction food waste and loss

June 12, 2014

Cash crops enhance food security

June 6, 2014

Science: ‘groener’ landbouwbeleid helpt biodiversiteit niet

May 14, 2014

From creative ideas to specific plans for urban agriculture

May 12, 2014

Insect community driven by plant hormones

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