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Wageningen University & Research

October 4, 2024

Debate about ownership of gene-editing techniques; researchers suggest solutions
Discussie over eigendomsrecht rond gentechnieken; onderzoekers komen met oplossingen

September 5, 2024

The five milestones of Richard Visser, renowned plant breeder and chair group leader and head of Plant Breeding in Wageningen
De vijf mijlpalen van leerstoelhouder Richard Visser

August 28, 2024

'Making Dutch agriculture more sustainable requires tailor-made solutions'
‘Verduurzaming Nederlandse landbouw vraagt om maatwerk’

June 21, 2024

Circular food systems dramatically reduce greenhouse gas emissions and require much less agricultural land
Ander voedselsysteem dringt uitstoot broeikasgas fors terug en vraagt veel minder landbouwgrond

May 27, 2024

Ethiopia’s transformation into a market-oriented seed sector
Ethiopië’s transformatie naar een marktgestuurde zaaizaadsector

April 17, 2024

Luisa Trindade new director of graduate school Experimental Plant Sciences at Wageningen University & Research

April 26, 2023

Lighthouse farms: a future for farming and food

September 7, 2022

Researchers propose new framework for regulating engineered crops
Onderzoekers bepleiten nieuwe regelgeving voor moderne veredelingstechnieken

August 29, 2022

Organic carrots in plastic?

June 22, 2022

When will we embrace new proteins?
Wanneer gaan we nieuwe eiwitten omarmen?

June 21, 2022

The world can be fed with only plant-based food
Wereld is te voeden met alleen plantaardige voeding

May 16, 2022

How hybrid plant varieties could address the challenges of food security and climate change
Hybride rassen kunnen antwoord bieden op voedselvraagstuk en klimaatverandering

March 22, 2022

All our clothing will be made from plants, just like in 1900
In 2050 komt al onze kleding van planten, net als in 1900

March 10, 2022

Insufficient knowledge on climate impact on agriculture
Onvoldoende kennis over klimaatimpact op landbouw

February 18, 2022

How does scientific knowledge end up with entrepreneurs?
Hoe komt wetenschappelijke kennis bij ondernemers terecht?

November 30, 2021

European collaboration on plant genetic resources is missing opportunities
Samenwerking tussen Europese genenbanken kan en moet bete

October 28, 2021

My farm in 2050

October 12, 2021

Green Deal probably leads to lower agricultural yields
Lagere opbrengst landbouw door Green Deal

September 23, 2021

UN Food Summit Scientific Group: New agreements needed now to improve food systems

September 14, 2021

Uncontrolled growth of apps causes issues in the agriculture and food sector
Wildgroei apps problematisch bij digitalisering landbouw- en voedselsector

July 23, 2021

Meta-analysis shows that future food demand will increase between 35-56% over the period 2010-2050
Meta-analyse laat zien dat de vraag naar voedsel met 35% tot 56% zal stijgen tussen 2010-2050

June 18, 2021

Patents based on innovative plant breeding can contribute to more sustainability in agriculture
Patent op basis van innovatieve plantenveredeling kan bijdragen aan verduurzaming van de landbouw

June 14, 2021

Hearing of the European Parliament on artificial intelligence in agriculture
Zitting van het Europees Parlement over kunstmatige intelligentie in de landbouw

June 1, 2021

The future of horticulture: digitizing green knowledge
De toekomst van de tuinbouw: groene kennis digitaliseren

April 23, 2021

Scientists urge EU to allow the use of novel breeding techniques and modern biotechnology in organic farming
Wetenschappers pleiten voor toestaan nieuwe veredelingstechnieken in Europa’s biologische landbouw

March 15, 2021

Solving the aflatoxin problem in Africa requires a holistic approach
Oplossen aflatoxineprobleem in Afrika vraagt holistische benadering

January 25, 2021

This is how green the Netherlands (and the world) can be in 2120

January 7, 2021

More production and quality in urban farming
Meer productie en kwaliteit in urban farming

December 22, 2020

The pros and cons of emerging technology in our food system
De voor- en nadelen van nieuwe technologieën in ons voedselsysteem

October 9, 2020

CRISPR-technology needed to achieve European Green Deal
CRISPR-techniek nodig om Europese Green Deal te halen



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