November 4, 2016
European Seed Association welcomes clarificaton of patent law - The Commission clarifies that plants obtained by essentially biological processes should not be patentable under EU law
October 25, 2016
Intellectual property rights intensive industries and economic performance in the European Union - Industry-Level Analysis Report, October 20 (European Union Intellectual Property Office)
June 17, 2016
Feeding the world: Members of the European Parliament survey development issues and technological options
June 16, 2016
Anthea McIntyre, UK Member of the European Parliament: "We have to ensure all our farmers can benefit from technological innovation"
March 8, 2016
Three things to know about glyphosate and the European Commission Standing Committee Trois choses à savoir sur le glyphosate et le Comité permanent de la Commission européenne
April 13, 2015
Expo Milano 2015: European Commission launches scientific debate on how to feed the planet Expo Milano 2015: Den Planeten ernähren – Europäische Kommission eröffnet wissenschaftliche Debatte Expo Milano 2015: la Commissione europea promuove il dibattito scientifico su come nutrire il pianeta
February 27, 2015
GMO directive is 'a game changer' for EU consumers (The Parliamanet Magazine)
January 19, 2015
GM crop vote was just the beginning of Europe's biotech battle (The Guardian)
January 13, 2015
Frédérique Ries, Belgian member of the ALDE group: It should not be up to courts to decide on GMO bans
November 20, 2014
Anbauverbote: Europaparlament pocht auf Souveränität der Mitgliedstaaten
November 16, 2014
Blind to science: Anne Glover's pro-GM views are not a sackable offence (The Independent)
November 4, 2014
El Parlamento Europeo defiende la transparencia de España informando sobre cultivos MG
September 16, 2014
European Union - GMO lobby sees new Juncker Commission as bad news (EurActiv)
January 30, 2014
Cutting the cost of patenting discoveries in the European Union
December 6, 2013
Technology options for feeding 10 billion people - Plant breeding and innovative agriculture
November 29, 2013
European Union - Towards a better use of our Genetic Resources
July 5, 2013
European Union - Making farming fairer and greener
March 13, 2013
Civil enforcement of intellectual property rights: public consultation on the efficiency of proceedings and accessibility of measures (European Union)
February 19, 2013
Europäische Kommission will Neonikotinoid-Verbot schnell durchsetzen (TopAgrar Online)
December 11, 2012
European Parliament approves EU unitary patent rules
May 10, 2012
Conventionally-bred plants or animals should be exempt from patents, say European Parliament
March 23, 2012
Conclusions of the Council and the representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the Council on the strategy towards the International Plant Protection Convention
October 28, 2011
GMOs: EU's legislation on the right track, evaluation reports conclude GVO: EU-Vorschriften laut Bewertungsberichten auf dem richtigen Weg OGM: selon les rapports d’évaluation, la législation de l’UE est sur la bonne voie OMG: Los informes de evaluación ponen de manifiesto que la legislación de la UE va por buen camino
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