November 2023

ISI Sementi S.p.A In 1981 ISI Sementi was founded by Florindo Boni and his partners. Right from the beginning it was felt necessary to start a breeding program to develop hybrid tomato varieties for the processing industry, as well as for the domestic and export markets. In 1984 ISI Sementi started an important tomato breeding program and year after year a growing number of competitive varieties were put on the market resulting in our current complete assortment.
Through the years we also started research programs for other species like onion, lettuce, endive and squash; presently, these programs are managed by a team of 5 breeders supported by several assistants. A strong boost to the varietal development programs was given by molecular biology activities; the laboratory started in 2005, and is actually the most advanced in the Italian private sector; employing 4 biotechnologists and carrying out approximately 100.000 molecular analyses per year. The main activity of this laboratory is certainly the set up and the use of molecular markers for assisted selection works with the aim to obtain the most precise and quick breeding programs.
The use of biotechnology has proven to be extremely useful for quality control of the commercial seed lots, allowing a much faster genetic purity check, not seasonally linked anymore. Additionally, the molecular markers are applied for an accurate check of the seed health.
At present ISI Sementi’s emphasis lies on the home market; thanks to her well experienced, highly motivated Marketing and Sales force. The agents can rely upon the assistance by Product Managers, whom on their turn are supported and coordinated by the Commercial Director.
In Italy, the ISI Sementi organization offers an almost complete assortment of horticultural products; obtained partly from her own research and partly thanks to the collaboration with other major international seed companies.
Concerning exports, throughout the years a network has been established which actually covers major world markets interested in horticultural seeds; special trading success has been achieved in countries of the Mediterranean area as well as in North and South America.
In December 2000 ISI Sementi has obtained from DNV Italia the quality certificate under the norms of UNI EN ISO 9002 and in December 2003 under the norms of UNI EN ISO 9001/2000.
Emerson F1
- Hybrid Amarillo Oro type, early, resistant to Fusarium 0-1-2 and Powdery mildew.
- The oval fruit has an average weight of 1,5 Kg.
- The rind, deep yellow coloured, is slightly rough.
- The flesh has a high sugar content and the seed cavity is small.
- The well balanced and yielding plant produces uniform fruits.
Abacus F1
- Hybrid Amarillo oro type, very early, resistant to Fusarium and Powdery mildew.
- High yielding plant with good vigour and covering.
- The rind, deep yellow coloured, is rough, thick and is very resistant to handling.
- The flesh has a high sugar content and has an excellent quality.
- The seed cavity is very small.
- Excellent shelf-life quality.
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