Auditório da Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel - Pelotas , RS, Brazil
Neste Workshop serão abordados assuntos atuais sobre problemas fitossanitários na cultura da soja, contemplando temas relacionados ao manejo das principais doenças, insetos praga e plantas invasoras na cultura, contando com a participação de importantes palestrante...
The Agenda of the Conference foresees two sessions, which will shed light onto the most anticipated topics in the field of Intellectual Property Protection for the innovation-based horticultural businesses.
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
Naktuinbouw - Wageningen, Netherlands
The course aims at facilitating the introduction and practical implementation of Plant Breeders' Rights (Plant Variety Protection) in countries where legislation on this matter is being developed or has recently been passed.
EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding
Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Budapest, Hungary
Plant breeding in Europe and future challenges; The (integrated) role of PBR and IP in future varieties; Gene bank collections and their contribution to new germplasm development; Genomic exploration of crop diversity; Whole genome sequencing and its potential for plant...
Will provide the participants with: (a) an understanding of the basics of rice production in Asia; (b) familiarity with the germplasm collection at IRRI and current issues related to germplasm exchange and intellectual property rights; (c) an appreciation of the researc...
University of California Davis, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center (5:00 to 7:30 pm) - Davis, CA, United States
Monthly networking event with featured speaker Dr. Luca Comai, Professor, UC Davis Genome Center, Department of Plant Biology, College of Biological Sciences
University of California Davis, Buehler Alumni and Visitors Center (5:00 to 7:30 pm) - Davis, CA, United States
Monthly networking event with featured speaker Dr. Roberta Cook, UC Cooperative Extension Specialist and Lecturer, Food Distribution, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Marketing
801 R Street, Suite 201 - Fresno, CA, United States
An opportunity to learn about the basics of intellectual property rights (IPR) protection and enforcement and U.S. government resources available to help small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) protect and enforce their IPR at home and abroad.
from the Atacama Desert in the north of Chile down to Valdivia in the south - , Chile
Contact information: Dr. Bridgen. Director and Professor. Cornell University. Long Island Horticultural Research & Extension Center. 3059 Sound Ave.Riverhead, NY 11901 Tel: 631-727-3595 Fax: 631-727-3611 e-MAIL
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)
Centro de Eventos do Pantanal - Cuiabá , MT, Brazil
No VI CBSoja serão debatidos assuntos como cenários de insumos agrícolas; mudanças climáticas; manejo de pragas, doenças e plantas daninhas; melhoramento genético, armazenagem de grãos, integração lavoura-pecuária e floresta; produtividade com sustentabilidade, entre ou...
Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa)
Jaguariúna, SP, Brazil
O Congresso tem como objetivo reunir profissionais de ensino, pesquisa e extensão do setor público e privado, estudantes de graduação e pós-graduação, bem como, profissionais da indústria de insumos, de equipamentos, de agroquímicos, de softwares e de produtos para labo...