Inquadramento normativo; Cartelli tra imprese; Regole sulla distribuzione dei prodotti; Le posizioni dominanti; Le regole della gestione degli omaggi e degli sconti; Conclusioni.
Plant & Environmental Sciences Building (Room 3001), UC Davis - Davis, CA, United States
Introduction to IP at seed companies (John Schoenecker, Director of Intellectual Property – AMPA, HM.Clause / Seed Innovation and Protection Alliance (SIPA) (James M. Weatherly, Executive Director) - The FBI Counterintelligence Strategic Partnership Program - App...
International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV)
Online - Online, Switzerland
The objective of the course is to provide a comprehensive introduction to the UPOV system of plant variety protection under the International Convention for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants. The course comprises 11 modules.
An der Tagung werden die Herausforderungen der einheimischen Züchtung und Sortenprüfung von verschiedenen Marktakteuren beleuchtet. Gleichzeitig wird von Abnehmerseite aufgezeigt, welche Anforderungen in den verschiedenen Absatzkanälen bezüglich der Rohstoffherkunft...
Schloss Schönbrunn Tagungszentrum, Apothekertrakt - Vienna, Austria
Scientific sessions will address mechanistic understanding of beneficial plant-microbe interactions, microbiome interactions, transfer of microbial applications from lab to field, formulations and registration issues. In addition, in a roundtable discussion, with stakeh...
This course offers training in the genetic analysis methodologies employed in the BBSRC funded Wheat Improvement Strategic Programme (WISP) at the John Innes Centre. Participants will gain the skills necessary to apply these methodologies in their own research.
Adjuvant innovations (tank-mix and built-in), adjuvants for biopesticides, adjuvants for foliar fertilisers, additives for seedcoatings, adjuvants and crop safety, biosurfactants.
Als Referenten werden vortragen und diskutieren Herr Prof. Dr. Hans-Jörg Jacobsen, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Herr Werner Schwarz, Präsident des Bauernverbandes Schleswig-Holstein und Vizepräsident des DBV und Herr Dr. Henning von der Ohe, Leiter Unternehmensentw...
The UK's national event for grounds care, sports, amenities, estates and green space management. From turf care and specialist machinery to landscaping and playgrounds, over 250 exhibitors bring the latest products, equipment and expertise to the NEC Birmingham for two ...
CBB conference series is a platform where researchers get the chance to present their latest results and getting further motivation from in-depth keynote presentations where the most important fields of cereal scinence will be introduced and summarized.
The idea of the conference is for the scientists, scholars, engineers and students from the Universities all around the world and the industry to present ongoing research activities, and hence to foster research relations between the Universities and the industry.
The Congress topics will cover plant breeding, molecular genetics and biotechnology, genetic engineering and genomics, genetic resources for plant breeding, oil and protein crops