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April 2, 2024

Erfolgreiche Betriebe säen zweimal nach - Wann ist der richtige Zeitpunkt im Grünland und was gilt es zu beachten?

Details matter when pushing to new yield levels - Find out what it takes to build a 250- or 300-bushel-an-acre corn crop

University of Tennessee Extension Specialist offers insight into increasing soybean yield with earlier planting dates - Research could improve profitability for producers

¿Es posible evitar que las variaciones en los riegos limiten el rendimiento de cebada?

April 1, 2024

Enfermedades transmisibles por semilla

March 29, 2024

Inteligência artificial pode ser auxílio agronômico

Explore crop performance in 3D virtual reality - Brian Bailey’s lab at UC Davis simulates plants

March 26, 2024

New software boosts accuracy of technology to measure crop health

March 25, 2024

ToBRFV : Détection précoce et repérage du point d'entrée du virus

Maize genes control little helpers in the soil - An international team of researchers discovers how microbes boost root growth
Maisgene kontrollieren winzige Helfer im Boden - Internationales Forschungsteam findet heraus, wie Mikroben das Wurzelwachstum ankurbeln

An ARF gene mutation creates flint kernel architecture in dent maize (Nature)

March 22, 2024

Track and trace members of the plant microbiome with DNA barcodes
Spurensuche im Pflanzenmikrobiom mit DNA-Strichcodes

Produire avec le virus ToBRFV : une nouvelle réalité (article #1)

Analytic tool reveals more cream of the crops

March 21, 2024

Using big-data and genetic analysis to improve plant breeding around the world

L'importanza del portainnesto nel pomodoro

March 20, 2024

Super-fast turf growth and repair with Expressmaster Plus

Mais-Anbau kurz und bündig - Bodentemperatur, pH-Wert, Saatbettbereitung – worauf sollte beim Mais-Anbau geachtet werden?

Welche Saattechnik passt für die Sojabohne? Bei der Frage nach der besten Saattechnik für die Sojabohne herrscht auch unter Fachleuten Uneinigkeit

Three-dimensional image of the symbiotic communities around plant roots
Dreidimensionales Bild der Lebensgemeinschaften um Pflanzenwurzeln

Novel method to measure root depth may lead to more resilient crops - New approach could lead to faster breeding of plants better able to withstand drought, acquire nitrogen and store carbon deeper in soil

March 19, 2024

Unlock your canola potential while avoiding establishment losses

Cold plasma could be hot stuff for grain growers, say researchers - A low-temperature version of the matter that makes up stars may offer a better way to decontaminate wheat and barley

Access the American Seed Trade Association's updated guide for locating local, professionally produced, environment, conservation, and cover crop seed

Show Safra 2024: Syngenta apresenta soluções inovadoras para endereçar os principais desafios que os produtores rurais enfrentam no campo

March 18, 2024

How to invest in hygiene effectively - Hygiene was a key topic at the Plant Raiser Summit last autumn

India - Empowering women and improving rice yields and productivity through seed production

Project to optimise nutrition for Western Australia's pulse crops

Strategies for success: Planting soybeans early - Get tips to unlock the full potential for planting soybeans early

March 15, 2024

[Guia completo] Rotação de culturas: entenda os benefícios

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