November 8, 2024
Artificial intelligence in plant breeding (Cell)
November 7, 2024
Optimise your seed sizing process with Sed Processing Holland's unbalanced calibration machine
Wheat from a new breeding method: Agroscope searches for fungal resistances in field trial Weizen aus neuem Züchtungsverfahren: Agroscope sucht in Feldversuch nach Pilzresistenzen Blé issu d'une nouvelle méthode de sélection: Agroscope à la recherche de résistances fongiques dans le cadre d'un essai en plein champ Frumento ottenuto con un nuovo metodo di selezione: Agroscope cerca la resistenza ai funghi negli esperimenti in pieno campo
Lemken Solitair MR : un semoir à la carte pour l'engrais et cultures (Matériel Agricole)
Toward faster nematode test results
November 6, 2024
Grünlandnachsaat - Güttler führt neuen GreenMaster 800 mit Zinkensaat ein (Top Agrar)
Non-invasive methods to assess seed quality based on ultra-weak photon emission and delayed luminescence (Nature)
Mechanical innovation helps seed companies keep up with genetic testing speed - Seed companies collect data in the field faster than ever using sensors (Farmtario)
Improving greenhouses for better yields, less energy use
Ceres AI's bundled precision irrigation tools can minimize waste and maximize profitability
Got aphids? Agdia has a new ImmunoComb to detect viruses they transmit
November 5, 2024
Creating tasty plant-based alternatives with FLAVOUR-AI, an AI-powered fermentation screening approach
Artificial intelligence as a driver of agricultural transition AI als aanjager van de landbouwtransitie
Research boosts potential of biofortification on nutrition policy, intervention
November 4, 2024
Breakthrough dramatically improves researchers' ability to engineer plants and fungi