Using residual herbicides is beating fence line weeds resistance
Australia Fence lines can be a haven for weeds, perpetuating one of the biggest threats to agricultural crops, however growers now have the opportunity to reduce this risk through the use of new herbicides offering long-term weed control.
Video: Matt, Mitch and Tim assess the annual ryegrass numbers coming through 18 months after Terrain Flow was applied in combination with glyphosate in the fence line weed control trial near Jennacubbine in WA.
Matt said the pre-emergent herbicide was registered for control of a wide range of grass and broadleaf weeds and provided “up to season-length control”. “Eighteen months after the applications, weeds were coming through the Roundup treatment, as well as where it was applied with Terrain Flow. However, where the glyphosate or paraquat was combined with Alion or Uragan, there was still good control and, consequently, bare earth.” “The trial showed that using effective residual herbicides helped to control herbicide-resistant weeds – in this case, the glyphosate resistant types, because it controls the plant at emergence. This stops the resistant weed from setting seed and further adding to the seed bank and the potential to spread back into the crop. By also not setting seed along the fence line and germinating over summer, growers can apply herbicides 12 months later, to bare earth and small weeds, as opposed to larger weeds.” He said using alternate mode of action, residual herbicides like Alion, rather than those currently used along fence lines and in-crop, would be an effective long-term strategy to keep fence lines weed-free and for management of herbicide-resistant weeds. Alion® and Roundup UltraMax® are Registered Trademarks of the Bayer Group.
More solutions from: Bayer CropScience Australia Website: Published: August 2, 2024 |